Saturday, May 2, 2009

Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs OH MY!

Well guys. I was starting to do so good at blogging and then I was introduced to Twitter and Facebook, almost at the same time. Facebook if used appropriately can be a world of fun and finding long lost friends and classmates.

I am addicted, yes I said addicted to both twitter and facebook. A blog is nice and can be creative and a place to log your pictures with a journal to go along with. I am having a hard time finding time for all of them.

I am about to hit the busiest month of the year for me. Christmas is a breeze compared to May and early June. I love every minute of it, oh, ok, almost each and every minute. Baseball/softball season is upon us and the practices have begun. We have already had numerous rain outs in softball so there might be a truckload of double headers on Saturdays.

In the month of May alone I literally have only 3 days that are OPEN with no events scheduled. For some reason I am getting invited to every home party that has been created and I simply can not attend them all. In May, I will be attending a Tastefully Simple, Lia Sophia, 31 Something, Creative Memories, and one I can't remember the name of. I have declined on two other purse parties, one jewelry party, and an invite to purchase books and toys online. OK, here this people....IF I can squeeze you in, please understand I can't buy from each of you. Even if I only purchased a $10 item at each, well, in this economy, I have children to raise and dh's income is not absolute. All this to say, Please, Please, don't take it personally if I can't make it or do make it and don't buy anything. It's nothing personal at all. (ps. I had 3 nieces and newphews on my side of the family to buy for birthdays this past month so there was $60 spent) dh's family is too big and I can't even keep up with sending cards on his side. I know, I know, I'm bad...really bad..

I will be sharing pictures in a day or two of an exciting and eventful night I had last night. I can't tell you now, just suffice it to say....It was HUGE. Very HUGE. And no one was more surprised than I!

Hopefully, I can keep blogging going, because, you can go to or something like that and have your entire blog put into a book. That would be nice since I find no time to scrapbook ever anymore.

Chat to ya later and check me out on twitter(LanaKMPF) and Facebook (Lana Searcy Kempf)!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lysol take me away!

Oh the joys of later winter/early spring sickness. Last week son#1 had sore throat, high fever, congestion, runny nose and body aches. DH had almost the same yuckies over the weekend. I had a slight cough on Sunday, by Sunday night I had it, every single symptom, and like clockwork lo and behold, little sweetie came down it with it too. We are home today, (I missed work Monday and stayed in bed all day). She is on the sofa miserable. Her tonsils were so swollen last night she felt like she couldn't breath. We sat up with her until around midnight, getting her to spit out all the sinus drainage she could, getting her to sip motrin and trying to keep her calm. She is better today, but not well enough to go to school.


I was a bit nervous about getting on the computer today with the Conficker C worm attack scare, but it seems it was as they say, much ado about nothing.

Since I am home today with a sicky, I am going to try to get in my Beth Moore bibly study of Esther, hang some pictures on the wall and get 3 tubs of "treasures" put away. When I came home from my Grandma's funeral I brought a van load of "treasures" home with me. I haven't found room for any of it yet. But I was not about to part it with anyone else since most of it was sentimental to only me.

Please, please remember to pray for Stellan over at McMama's.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


uhm, MU fell apart last night. No final four. No championships. There's always next year.

We didn't get the awful sleet/ice/snow they were calling for. Oh we got plenty of rain yesterday and we did get a light dusting of a mixture, but they sun is shining oh so BRIGHTLY today. Maybe SPRING is just around the corner!

I went computer shopping yesterday. I was so excited and thrilled! My current dinosaur is almost 10 years old! I have the old CRT monitor-YIKES! Anyhoo, I went to several stores and finished up at Best Buy. There's not too many stores unless I want to drive over 100 miles to KC.

Having no luck finding the one I was searching for, I was hoping Best Buy would have something close. I found a very nice Geek Squad guy and he helped me find not only the computer but the works that went with it. My excitement was building as we took all the boxes to the register. He began ringing it up and when he hit the total button, I nearly fell over right on the spot!


I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much. So we picked out another monitor, another all in one printer and it still was over $900.00!

My heart broke as I left the store. I was so looking forward to a new one. I wanted a quad four processor, 8 gig of memory, and at least a 19" monitor. A decent all in one printer would have been the icing on the cake.

I cooked my own goose though. Circuit City had the EXACT one before they went out of business, the ENTIRE package with monitor and all in one printer for $779.00!

So as I sit here typing on my old plunker, I'm being thankful I have one that works, albeit slowly, and deal with it. I am going to keep an eye on Best Buy Sales though and and maybe, just maybe, I'll get one before summer.

On a much more serious note.

Please click on the button on my sidebar, praying for Stellan. He needs all the prayers he can get. He's in PICU with SVT and he's been in and out of V tach over the last several days.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

GO MU!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My world fell apart in a moment

Friday the 13th.
4:53 pm
cell phone rings.
"Hey, what are you doin?"
I'm out getting groceries, gas, and wally world running, why?
hysterical sobbing begins......from both of us.
"She's gone, the sheriff just called me and said they found her."
Who's gone? What are you talking about?
"Grandma Gen, she's gone." They found her a while ago on the floor in her bedroom."
I don't really believe it, how can it be?
"hang on, I gotta another call"
Circling in and out of the gas station, listening to silence in my ear, trying to process what I just heard and heading towards home, I just had to get to dh and the kids.
"I'm back".
I can't believe it. I just can't. Does Dad and everyone else know?
"He's on his way out to her house now to meet with the sheriff.
Ok, I'm on my way home, I'll call you back and let you know if I'm coming up tonight or in the morning.

I don't remember anything else until I got home and collapsed in dh's arms and the kids. We all stood in the doorway and hugged each other. I somehow managed to spit out that Grandma Gen had died.

My grandma meant the absolute world to me. My mother died in 1992, ironically, also on a Friday the 13th. I was so close to my grandma. We chatted every Sunday evening for about an hour. I could list the things I loved about her and I'd never run out of things to say. She was the world.

She had the flu last April and then came down with what the Dr's. thought were shingles. She battled that all summer and in August broke her hip and had to have that replaced. She had recuperated from that well, and it was determined late fall that she had blistering disease and not shingles after all. They were able to give her medicines that had finally healed up all but one spot on her cheek. After trying umpteen gazillion different medicines, the pathology report came back that it was Anthrax poisoning! It was then they decided to put a port in to administer antibiotics intravenously. They gave her the first dose on the 12th. As far as we know she got up the morning of the 13th, was getting dressed and died at that point in time. We'll never know if it was a heart attack, stroke, or the medicines were too strong for her. I do know she was sooooo tired of fighting the sore on her face. It stung badly, tingled, oozed, blistered, and was raw all of the time. It started out the size of a half-dollar and ended up being all over the side of her face and down her neck. I am so thankful she's in a place where she is healed perfectly. I'm grateful for all the years I had with her. But God, I miss her more than life itself. When I would hear people say they couldn't wait to be reunited with their loved ones in heaven, I didn't understand that until now. I know the time here is just a blip on our way to our eternal home, and I have a family here on this earth to take care of, but I know I will rejoice the day I get to be with her again.

Grandma Gen, I love you and miss you with every ounce of my being. God rest your soul. "Teen"